What’s “In” for 2024: Developing > Aspiring Artists


Some Inspiration from our Co-Founder

Hello and a HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at New Roots!

As we step into this new chapter, I wanted to share a message of motivation and a fresh perspective to kickstart our journey together.

I recently had a conversation with Sheridan that completely shifted my mindset when it comes to the artists we work with and my own identity as an artist.

Sheridan made a simple, yet profound point:

She doesn't resonate with the idea of an "aspiring artist." Instead, she prefers "developing artist."

It’s amazing how words have the power to impact your perception. This struck a chord with me. Why wait to become something you've always been? From the moment we picked up a paintbrush, strummed a guitar, or sang in our living rooms as kids, we were artists.

The shift from "aspiring" —> "developing" changes the narrative.

It's not about reaching some predefined pinnacle to be considered an artist; it's about embracing the ongoing journey of growth and self-discovery.

I’ve personally adopted this change in my conversation. Our growth as an artist is about acknowledging the constant evolution and development that defines each one of us on our artistic paths.

As we dive into 2024, let's make this shift together. Out with the idea of waiting for some elusive "moment" to be an artist and in with the recognition that we are constantly evolving, honing our craft, and becoming who we're meant to be.

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, let's hold on to what makes us unique, authentic, and passionate. Pursue your art with fervor, chase what excites you, and embrace the joy it brings.

Our Team at New Roots is here to support you every step of the way. Together, let's embark on this journey of development, growth, and artistic fulfillment in 2024!

Here's to embracing our true artist selves and making this year a canvas of endless possibilities.



There’s just nothing like being a part of a supportive community. We’re here to help! If you are a female artist and would love to participate in one of our weekends, please be sure to apply for our next event! Applications are free :)

Click the link below to apply…




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